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Planning permission granted for the regeneration of the Lakes Estate

Image of an artists impression of a housing redevelopment

The regeneration proposals for the Lakes Estate were approved at a Milton Keynes Council meeting on Thursday 8th October. Cllr Ed Hume spoke on behalf of the Town Council in supporting the regeneration of the Lakes Estate at yesterday's meeting. We have worked closely with the teams and groups involved in this project. This is an important milestone and it is great that the Lakes Estate regeneration can move forward.

The investment will include:

  • 589 green new homes, including approx. 50% council homes
  • A new local centre with new shops
  • An improved and enhanced Warren Park
  • Street enhancements across the Lakes Estate
  • Improved bus network and parking
  • An onsite energy centre, which is expected to help cut the carbon footprint by 50% per household

 Please find out more information in Milton Keynes Council's Lakes Estate Regeneration Press Release.