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A quick interview with one of our new councillors: Cllr Amanda Carter-Philpott

Image of Councillor Amanda Carter Philpott

An Introduction About You
I'm a disability/diversity activist/campaigner/ public speaker, writer, blogger, trainer, passionate believer in inclusion and advocate for social justice which is at the core of my business model as a director of Pandora Inc CIC which stands for: Promoting Achievement Nurturing Diversity Openly Respecting Ability. A voice for the voiceless.

As a disabled professional I have had over 30 years in the social welfare/criminal justice field both as a social worker and senior probation officer in Milton Keynes and surrounding counties.As a trainer, educator, public speaker and activist in the disability community I engage with many diverse audiences sharing my dynamic approach to life with optimism and a dry sense of humour. My approach is totally inclusive and is at the core of my business model as a director of Pandora Inc CIC which stands for: Promoting Achievement Nurturing Diversity Openly Respecting Ability. Pandora was set up to work with those on the margins of society and give a voice to the voiceless. 

Why did you become a councillor?
I became a councillor because I am a firm believer in giving back to the community in which I live. My children are now all adults and living independently so I have the time and energy to commit to the role and perhaps more importantly I now have the confidence to put myself forward.

Your Priorities and Focuses
My priority and main focus is always on those who are not well represented within the community. I am always in favour of the under dog! I want to see us build back better from the pandemic and I am intending to promote Bletchley Town Council for White ribbon accreditation as one of my first tasks as well as listen to my constituents about their needs and concerns

I am the disability representative on the Independent Advisory Group to the Police in Milton Keynes, and a member of Soroptimists MK who strive to promote and imp[rove the quality of life for women and girls. Iam also part of the CommsTeam in the Womens Equality Party MK where I write a weekly blast. I am also a member of the Disability Caucus for the national Womens Equality Party where I have recently designed a new disability awareness course which myself and several others plan to roll out to all the branches in WEP this year. I am also a community representative on the Assessment Board of the local Community Foundation which allocates funds through an application process to local third sector organisations. I have also recently submitted two chapters for publication in two separate books.

Do you have a favourite part of the parish?
My favourite thing about the parish is the diverse cultures and populations within it.