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Bus Service Changes


Changes to the bus services become effective on 3 September 2023. These affect our local routes 5 and 6, Newton Leys and the Lakes Estates in particular.  The document attached gives details of the changes.  

The message below is from the strategic transport lead at Milton Keynes City Council:

“Please find attached the list of September service changes provided by operators. These will also be published on the transport hub of the Milton Keynes City Council website.

Please note that services in Milton Keynes are fully commercially delivered by operators, with the following exceptions:

33/33A contracted by MKCC, 21 & 41 partially contracted by MKCC, 150 diversion through Coffee Hall contracted by MKCC.

MKCC only sets the timetable and routing for the 33/33A and adds journeys to the other services.

All remaining services are determined in full by the operator.”

In the first instance, if you have complaints or comments you should make them direct to the operator.  One way to do this is via MKCC’s website here. You need to choose the option to complain to the operator.
Alternatively you can complain directly to the operator Arriva.