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Planning applications in our area

The planning authority for our area is Milton Keynes City Council. Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council aims to review all planning applications which sit within our area. The town council may comment on individual applications on behalf of the community. The planning authority can only take account of observations which relate to material planning considerations.

The town council also works to influence land use and spatial plans as well as aiming to promote regeneration in our area.

Please contact us or your Milton Keynes City Council ward councillors if you have questions or concerns about specific applications or planning policy. 

Current planning applications in our area

To view each individual planning application, please go to the Milton Keynes City Council Public Access System. If the links below become unavailable, you can still view the applications by copying and pasting the unique reference number (all of which are below) for each planning application that you are searching for in Milton Keynes City Council's Public Access System. 

  • Application no PLN/2024/2461: Proposal: Prior Approval for change of use of vacant offices (class E) to 25 self-contained residential dwellings (use class C3). At: 224 Maybrook House, Queensway, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2SZ. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 18 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2383: Proposal: Advertisement consent for the proposed installation of a 7m free standing totem sign with vacuum Burger King bun logos, illuminated DT panels and separate panel for incoming tenant, internally illuminated traffic management signs, a single sided height restrictor with internally illuminated BK bun logo, a freestanding digital menu screen, a freestanding speaker post, a freestanding triple digital menu screen, window projecting signs, kerbside pick up signs, 1.8m high internally illuminated BK bun logos, 2x 70cm high internally illuminated burger king lettering, 'your way' vinyl lettering, a 1.2m vinyl 'Flame Grilling Since 1954' sign, an internally illuminated 'Drive Thru' wall mounted sign, window glazing manifestations and roof mounted internally illuminated Burger King lettering.. At: Building A, MK Stadium, V7 Saxon Street, Saxon Gate, Milton Keynes, MK1 1ET. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 18 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2212: Proposal: Erection of mesh boundary fence. At: Unit 1, 12 Third Avenue, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK1 1EW. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 18 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2441: Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed loft conversion with roof lights. At: 68 Oakwwod Drive, Bletchley MK2 2JQ. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 18 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2413: Proposal: Use of a dwellinghouse (use class C3) as a home for up to 3 young people (no older than 19 years of age) with care provided 24 hours a day by up to 1 no. care staff and a manager during the day and 1 staff overnight (use class C2). At: 66 Longship Drive, Newton Leys, MK3 5RT. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 19 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2478: Proposal: Alterations to the façade and landscaping works including alterations to car park at Maybrook House,. At: 224 Queensway, Bletchley, MK2 2SZ. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 19 December 2024.
  • Application no 24/01810/FUL: Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension and conversion of existing garage to a habitable room to provide an additional bedroom, shower room and utility room and the conversion of the existing internal room to a bedroom to provide two extra bedrooms, increasing from a 4-bed HMO to 6-bed HMO to be occupied by no more than 6 people.. At: 131 Pinewood Drive, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2HY. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 20 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2535: Proposal: Prior Approval for the erection of a single-storey roof extension accommodating two self-contained flats. At: 224 Maybrook House, Queensway, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2SZ. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 23 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2422: Proposal: Listed Building Consent for the proposed replacement of 5 windows. At: Station House, Simpson Road, MK2 2DE. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 24 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2432: Proposal: The erection of a single storey rear pitched roof extension with solar panels and the erection of an additional storey with rear dormer, the erection of a summer house rear outbuilding, the provision of a dropped kerb and a widened vehicle access to the frontage, and the replacement of the existing front gravel driveway with block paving. Alterations to the front. At: 20 Vicarage Road, MK2 2EZ. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 30 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2089: Proposal: Change of use of existing annexe to create a new dwelling house (re-submission of 24/00956/FUL). At: Tudor House Western Road Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2PR. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 30 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2092: Proposed single storey ground floor extension to the front elevation. At: 34 Baccara Grove MK2 3AT. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 31 December 2024.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2243: Change of use from part of a retail service yard to a car wash (Retrospective). At: 29 Queensway, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2DR. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 06 January 2025.
  • Application no 24/01487/FUL: The erection of a part single and part two storey rear extension with pitched roof. At: 13 Victoria Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2NG. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 09 January 2025.
  • Application no 2PLN/2024/2339: Proposed re-render, new doors and windows, new front wall and removal of chimneys. At: 30 Albert Street Bletchley Milton Keynes MK2 2UG. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 09 January 2025.
  • Application no PLN/2024/2328: Double storey side extension and change of use from a 3-bedroom dwelling house (class C3) to a 7-bedroom HMO (Sui Generis). At: 15 The Cresent, Bletchley, MK2 2QA. The above application can be viewed via Milton Keynes Council's Public Access System. Any comments you may have about the proposal must be received by 15 January 2025.

Recent Planning application outcomes and details:

For further planning application decisions made by Milton Keynes Council please view them on the Milton Keynes City Council's Public Access System

Further information about planning in our area

Individual Planning Applications

The town council aims to review all planning applications which are made in our parish and submit our considered comments to Milton Keynes City Council which is the Local Planning Authority. The town council is not a planning authority and Milton Keynes City Council does not have to agree with our views although it does have to consider them before it decides to grant or refuse planning permission.

The town council’s comments on proposed developments are made on behalf of the whole community and must be relevant to national and local planning policies and the legal framework for decision making.

Planning applications are reviewed in Full Council or the Planning Committee meetings and members of the public are encouraged to attend these meetings to observe decision-making, to contact and to submit written representations to the town council or to speak during the public speaking time at council meetings.

Please visit the Milton Keynes City Council's Public Access System to access planning applications in the local area.

 Local Development Plan and Regeneration

The town council also aims to influence the planning policies of Milton Keynes City Council especially those contained in the local development plan (Draft Plan:MK, Local Plan and Core Strategy etc). This is undertaken by participating in consultations on behalf of the community and actively advocating for the community on issues such as location of housing, joined up infrastructure and homes, completion of the east/west rail link, the development of an Oxford-Cambridge expressway and development of the town centre among others. The town council recognises that existing facilities within Bletchley need investment and regeneration and the town council is working with Milton Keynes City Council and others to promote and support positive redevelopment. 

Planning applications are reviewed in council or committee meetings and members of the public are encouraged to attend these meetings to observe decision-making, to contact and to submit written representations to the Town Council or to speak during the public speaking time at council meetings. You can contact the town council by calling 01908 649 469 or by emailing [email protected]

Central Bletchley Urban Design Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Milton Keynes City Council has published an Urban Design Framework as a ‘Supplementary Planning Document’ that provides additional planning guidance for future development within the Central Bletchley Prospectus Area.

Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Deal

The government announced the approval of a £22.7mn investment plan for Bletchley and Fenny Stratford from the £3.6bn Towns Fund. The Towns Fund aims to improve the economic sustainability of towns with a focus on creating jobs, supporting town centres, boosting businesses and connecting people to where they live and work. The funding will support the delivery of a number of key projects that will help to bring major improvements to the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford area. More information on the Town Deal is available on the Groundbreaking Bletchley and Fenny website.     

Neighbourhood Plans

There is currently one adopted Neighbourhood Plan in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford. Following a referendum the Lakes Estate Neighbourhood Plan became part of the Development Plan for Milton Keynes in October 2015 and is used alongside the Local Plan and Core Strategy when considering development proposals within the area covered by the plan. Policies in the Lakes Estate Neighbourhood Plan have informed planning decisions for the Lakes Estate, including regeneration. The Lakes Estate Neighbourhood Plan will be refreshed at a later date.

You can find out more about the new proposed Neighbourhood Plan for the rest of our area by visiting the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Neighbourhood Plan website.