Procurement is the process by which we award contracts to third parties (frequently individuals or companies) to provide goods, services or to undertake works. A procurement process is designed to source the most suitable contractors based on factors such as cost and their knowledge, experience, quality, capability, and financial standing
A procurement exercise by a local council is subject to the requirements in s. 135 of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the 1972 Act”) and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“the 2015 Regulations”).
As per our Procurement Policy, for contracts above £30,000, a public notice for invitation to tender must be made setting out any particulars of the contract and inviting persons/companies interested to tender for the contract. The public notice should be advertised on the town council’s website and the “Contract Finders” website: Contracts Finder - GOV.UK (
Current Tenders